Group of 3 Persons Back to Back 30 minutes Mobile Chair Massage Therapy

Unwind with a soothing chair massage that targets your shoulders, neck and back. Let a Professional Massage Therapist melt away stress and tension, leaving you feeling revitalized and refreshed while seated in a special massage chair. Rejuvenate quickly and efficiently, ready to tackle the day with renewed energy. Massages performed while clients are fully clothed. *Minimum of Three (3) Persons per corporate or group event. *30minutes per person is $58.00 plus applicable tax. Note: 1. To book online for your corporate or group event chair massage, book your appointment with your organization's designated contact person or representative. 2. You can also book for corporate or group event chair massage by call or send a text message to 647-780-1663 or email with the following information. -Contact or lead person name and contact number. -Company Name and address or home address -Preferred date and time -Names of employees or person receiving the massage